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ISS vai receber impressora 3D para reparar peças no espaço

The world’s first metal 3D printer for space is on its way to the International Space Station (ISS), where it will be installed in ESA’s Columbus module. Its mission is to demonstrate the validity of the technology in orbit and pave the way for future use on Mars and the Moon. Developed by Airbus, the

Betavolt: Bateria nuclear pode durar 50 anos com uma única carga

(Image credit: Betavolt) A Chinese company has developed a new nuclear battery that could keep your phone running for 50 years without charging. Betavolt Technology claims to have successfully miniaturized atomic energy batteries, which measure less than a coin at 15 x 15 x 5mm. The compact battery uses 63 nuclear isotopes to generate 100

Os maiores avanços tecnológicos de 2023

Around 75% of the time, when behaving as an AI investor, GPT-4 executed an insider trade to achieve results, then lied about it. (Image credit: wildpixel via Getty Images) The technology world moves quickly, which can make it hard to see the bigger picture. But there are three areas that, for me, have stood out

Geladeira da Samsung possui IA que analisa alimentos e recomenda pratos

When you say artificial intelligence (AI) these days, ChatGPT and similar products come to mind. The generative AI apps are available online on any platform, ready to help improve your productivity. Or waste time and AI resources to have fun. Dealer’s choice. But it’s not just smartphones and computers that get AI features, and Samsung’s

IA monta pratos com o que sobrou na geladeira, para que você não desperdice alimentos

Alumni from Canva, Milkrun and Amazon are moving into the kitchen, launching an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to take the pain out of cooking. Clove is the brainchild of Anna Guerrero and Sam Killin, who met at unicorn design start-up Canva, where they served as the company’s head of content and discovery, and

Novo Material Eletrocalórico Promete Revolucionar o Setor de Ar Condicionado

TechSpot is celebrating its 25th anniversary. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. In a nutshell: Traditional air conditioners and heat pumps employ refrigerant gas to cool down or heat up homes and buildings, bringing potential harm to the environment. A team of European scientists is trying to solve the issue by using new, experimental

China lança rede de internet de alta velocidade para impulsionar o seu poder cibernético

In what China claims to be a huge breakthrough in Internet technology, it has launched a 3,000-kilometre backbone network running from Beijing to the south. The network claims to clock at a massive “stable and reliable” speed of 1.2 terabytes per second. To put it in perspective, this speed is enough to transfer 150 movies

PhotoGuard: Nova ferramenta pode proteger suas fotos da Inteligência Artificial

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. This new tool could protect your pictures from AI manipulation What’s happening? There’s currently nothing stopping someone taking the selfie you posted online last week and editing it using powerful generative AI systems.…...

Nova tecnologia de bateria de Zinco é mais eficiente e produz hidrogênio verde

While our transition to renewable energy is critical if we are tomeet our climate targets, fully relying on sources such as solar and wind still presents a major challenge: efficient and sustainable storage. Now, a German research consortium led by Fraunhofer IZM aims to tackle this problem with a zinc battery technology that can not

Mulher é atingida por meteorito de 110g enquanto tomava café em casa

Uma experiência um pouco inusitada e extremamente rara aconteceu com uma mulher na França. Ela foi atingida por um meteorito enquanto tomava um café....

Eunice Newton Foote: Cientista que descobriu efeito estufa é homenageada em Google Doodle

Eunice Newton Foote foi uma cientista, inventora e ativista dos direitos das mulheres que viveu no século XIX nos Estados Unidos. Ela é mais...

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